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Monday, 23 March 2015

Wedding photography at the Quality hotel, Boldon

Ashleigh & John

Quality hotel, Boldon

Ashleigh and John met us when were exhibiting at The George Washington Hotel & Golf Club in Washington a while ago. They booked us soon after meeting us for wedding photography at The Quality Hotel in Boldon for their big day. We also met up with them a few weeks before for a pre wedding photo shoot at one of our favourite places Saltwell Park.

Getting Ready
Ashleigh was getting ready at the hotel with her mum, bridesmaids and flower girl. They were all nice and calm when we arrived, with the bride looking fetching with her hair her rollers!

The bridesmaids were having their makeup done and the bride having her hair done.
There had been plenty bucks fizz around and Ashleigh was keeping everyone running to her schedule for timings for the day.

The girls got into their amazing red floor length bridesmaids dresses assisted by Ashleigh’s mum, and then it was time for the bride to get dressed. Ashleigh had a gorgeous bridal gown, it was covered in crystals and sparkles, a definite girly dress!

Nick popped out for a few photos of John when he arrived in the Mercedes with the guys as well.

With her dress on, veil fitted and jewellery added Ashleigh was a princess ready for her wedding! Her granddad arrived to walk her down the aisle and thought she looked amazing.

The Ceremony
The guests were all in their seats waiting for the arrival of the bridal party. The room looked amazing with a twinkly backdrop and archway.  John looked so happy to see his bride looking so beautiful.

There were some lovely readings by guests, the couple made their vows to each other and exchanged wedding rings. John was finally able to kiss his beautiful bride and they were over the moon to be married.

After the formalities of signing the register were completed and few had a few shots with the register then everyone headed out to the bar for a drinks reception.

After the drinks reception we went out to the hotels courtyard for the big group photo and to have some family formal photos taken as well.

The Romantic Couple’s Photographs
After the family photos were finished we whizzed the couple away for a little bit to take some wedding portraits outdoors. We had already been t the hotel in advance to check out the area with these photos in mind as John and Ashleigh were unsure on where to have photos taken apart from inside the hotel.  A short walk around the back of the hotel showed a little stone path with a grassy area and some trees with a white bench and arch that was perfect for some pretty pictures!  

The weather was definitely on our side although it was freezing cold! We had some shots on the seat under the arch, and used a few of our props like our vintage parasol for some pictures too.  We also used the front of the building for some photos with our Mr & Mrs signs as the brickwork made for an edgy feel in the images

Ashleigh and John had been a little nervous for their wedding portraits but after their Saltwell Park pre wedding shoot they were very relaxed and confident on the day with no nerves as they knew what to expect. They had a great time posing for their photo’s but we had to get back inside before we all froze!

The Speeches
The room had undergone a transformation and was set ready for the meal and looked amazing with the cake set up and pretty floral centrepieces. Guests came in and congratulated the couple and took their seats for the speeches to begin.

Ashleigh’s granddad gave the first speech telling about Ashleigh growing up and when she met john, it was a lovely heartfelt speech.

The groom John was up next and had a short speech thanking everyone for coming and telling everyone how happy he was.

The best man was last to take the stage and gave some funny tales of him and John and what they got up to, he had a few jokes included that gave everyone a giggle. John thought the speeches were over then but Ashleigh had arranged a surprise. John’s brother is living abroad and was unable to come across for the wedding, but he did write a speech which a family member read out on his behalf. John was definitely pleased to hear his brother’s words and moved that he had gone to the trouble of doing it!

We then took a break to let everyone enjoy their food and we got to work on a selection of the images from the day so far so they could be ready to go up on our projector for the evening reception guests to see!  We love our Image Projector service as it’s a wonderful way to include evening guests in everything that happened during the day time and a great talking point for guests too, as well as giving the Bride and Groom a sneaky peak at what’s to come!

Party time!
After the meal the guests made their way to the bar while the room was set up ready for the evening celebrations. The DJ was set up and ready for the party to begin, the projector was up displaying the images for guests to see and we had our PropBox set up for some fun shots. 
After a quick cutting of the cake was done Mr and Mrs Petre hit the dance floor for their first romantic dance as newlyweds. 

There was also a racing car simulator game which provided no end of entertainment for guests and was getting quite competitive when we left! Nick couldn’t help having a go but couldn’t get close to the top score the best man had!

The kids were having a great time with the props and running round the dance floor and everyone was having a great time were still enjoying themselves when we headed off home!

Overall it was a lovely fun relaxed day for everyone and we had a great day. We hope they like their photos as much as we do! Thanks to Ashleigh and John for choosing us to photograph their wedding day and allowing us to capture their memories to treasure for years to come.  Thanks so much for letting us be a part of it!

We wish you all the best for the future together as husband and wife!

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